Custom Mobile Solutions for Telecom Retail

Transform your telecom retail operations with our service, designed to provide a significant boost in profitability, streamline processes, and reduce operational costs.

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Enhance your telecom retail operations with our Custom Mobile Solutions. These solutions stand out for their ability to seamlessly integrate into both business and technical landscapes without hidden costs. Working specifically with the telecom industry, we offer unparalleled adaptability to your unique challenges and objectives.

Our development approach ensures that your operations can quickly respond to market shifts and incorporate new, essential features and business units. Leveraging comprehensive expertise, our custom mobile solutions enrich your telecom retail workflow with cutting-edge technology, broad integration abilities, and robust security measures.

Benefits you gain with our service

With the IBA Group team’s expertise, your business will get:

Streamlined operations


What you get


Simplify internal processes, from managing inventory to coordinating staff schedules, with an app designed to increase efficiency and let your team focus on what matters most — exceptional customer service.

Optimized workspaces


What you get


Minimize physical retail space requirements by empowering your team with a versatile mobile solution, leading to significant cost savings and operational flexibility.

Unmatched Integration and Adaptability


What you get


We integrate and adapt to your existing business processes and enterprise IT systems. This means you can enhance your retail operations while preserving the essence of your business model.

Cross-Platform Compatibility


What you get


Elevate your business with our custom mobile solutions, expertly designed for flawless performance on both Android and iOS. This ensures that retail staff can access the app without interruption, improving their efficiency and interaction with customers, regardless of the device in use.

Unified Business Operations


What you get


Our custom mobile solution unifies all your business units, streamlining processes and boosting efficiency across your organization. This integration fosters better collaboration, faster decisions, and a cohesive strategy, driving growth and customer satisfaction.

Secure Transactions


What you get


Enhance customer trust with advanced identity verification integrated into your mobile retail app, ensuring secure and compliant transactions.

Implementation of Our Custom Mobile Solutions

50%reduction in the time taken to complete sales transactions
25%increase in monthly upselling and cross-selling, directly impacting company profitability
60%improvement in employee satisfaction scores

Don't miss out on the opportunity to see our solutions in action and explore the possibilities for your organization.

Mobile solutions Roadmap

1/ Analysis/Discovery of Business Needs

We analyze the needs of the client’s business and current processes, propose ways to optimize them, and define a high-level solution.

2/ Project Estimation and offer

We discuss requirement details, define project objectives, challenges, risks, and approaches toward handling them, and estimate the project schedule and associated costs.

3/ UX/UI & Technical Design

We develop a prototype for the future app, outlining key architectural decisions. For existing systems, we conduct knowledge transfer to integrate or enhance current applications seamlessly.

4/ Development and Testing

The development process is transparent. Clients receive progress reports on a regular basis. After project implementation, we train their personnel to work with the new system.

5/ Publishing

We publish the mobile app by deploying it to a private or enterprise app store, ensuring secure access for employees and facilitating seamless integration with existing office systems for enhanced business operations.

6/ Maintenance & Support

Our support is provided on-demand and can be prolonged, subject to the negotiation of terms and associated costs.

Transform Your Telecom Retail App

Take the first step towards a smarter mobile solution. Connect with us and let's enhance your app's capabilities.


Explore our range of technical alternatives for your requests and system challenges.

Native Android Mobile Applications Development

Why Android?

Android is the most widespread platform in the world’s smartphone market. Your business can reach a huge client base by designing a professional and user friendly Android application.

Whatever is your business domain is, our team is ready to help you develop a robust solution that works flawlessly on the majority of Android-powered devices and integrate it with your backend servers.

Android Powered Devices we Support

Our experts are capable of developing applications for any Android-powered screen: smartphone, tablet, watch, TV, car, even your custom hardware.

Our Android Team

There are real Android experts with 10+ years of experience on our team who are willing to solve complex problems with simple and intelligent solutions covering geofencing, offline mode, bluetooth devices integration, biometric security, power consumption effectiveness, mobile payments, maps.

We employ the best engineering techniques and follow the latest trends in the Android universe: API level upgrades, frameworks, and tools, which allows us to create clean code that is easy to maintain.

Your Android Team Growth

If you already have a team of Android developers we can help grow your team quickly, ensuring continued quality and efficiency.

Our Android Technological Stack

Programming Languages
KotlinJavaLua C++
SMP (SAP Mobile Platform)Retrofit Dagger2


Jenkins SonarQubeGradle
Android StudioEclipse Visual Studio Code

Native iOS Mobile Applications Development

Why iOS?

Apple’s iOS powers various devices like iPhone and iPad and offers innovative features and optimum user experience.

Developing a mobile-first solution for your business allows you to reach a global audience in the Apple App Store and keep your customers engaged due to full support of device-specific features.

Complete Application Lifecycle

We offer you cross-functional teams for iOS apps development with all the skills required to create an app from an idea to AppStore presence: business analysis, UX/UI design, development, DevOps, testing, project management.

We have already developed apps in various business domains like logistics, banking, and finance, transportation and delivery, ticketing. So, we’d like to share our knowledge for these domains or learn from you regarding your own specific business model.

Our iOS Team

Our iOS development team keeps up with recent updates from Apple and is able to create an iOS app fully compliant with all the Apple guidelines for design and coding.

We create robust apps which are power effective, network speed optimized, compatible with a wide range of iOS powered devices. We take advantage of iOS-specific features like iCloud, Apple Pay, Sign in with Apple, Wallet, Biometrics, Siri, iBeacon, Bluetooth, which will benefit your business.

Apple Ecosystem

We provide our services not only for iOS apps development but for the whole Apple ecosystem featuring macOS, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Car. Should you need apps for these platforms please talk to us.

Our iOS Technological Stack

Programming Languages
Swift 5.0ObjectiveC, Swift 5.0
SwiftUIReactiveX / RxSwift / RxJSCoreMLGraphQL
 Xcode / Xcode command line tools / Xcode server

Cross-platform Mobile Applications Development

Cross-platform Tech Growth

Cross-platform technologies for mobile applications development have recently taken a huge step forward. Modern cross-platform apps offer an almost native user interface and experience, they are fast, easy to support.

Going cross-platform could be a smart move for your business as this strategy could reduce time to market and costs.

Flutter Benefits

With Flutter, we can target iOS and Android with the same skill set of Dart (Flutter programming language). Code reuse ratio can get as high as 90% and above.

Even if there is a need to develop a custom component (plugin) specific either for Android or for iOS we can implement this with help of our experienced Android/iOS engineers.

Google’s Flutter Toolkit

Our cross-platform team mainly specializes in Flutter Google’s toolkit. This tooling allows developers to build beautiful and natively compiled applications for Android and iOS from a single codebase. Web, desktop and embedded devices are also supported.

Flutter features the following key benefits:

  • Fast development, Stateful Hot Reload allows painting an app to life in milliseconds.
  • Expressive and flexible UI.
  • Native performance, Flutter code is compiled to native ARM machine code.

Flutter is used around the world to build apps, some examples are Google, eBay, BMW, Alibaba.


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frequently asked questions

If you’ve got any questions left unanswered, try looking here first — chances are, someone has already asked them for you, and you can get the answer you’re looking for right away!

How does this service improve the efficiency of telecom retail operations?

Our solutions streamline sales transactions, simplify inventory management, and enhance customer service, leading to increased profitability, reduced operational costs, and an improved customer experience.

What unique features do your solutions offer to improve the day-to-day operations of telecom retail workers?

From digital ID verification and eSIM activations to real-time inventory updates and customer service tools, our mobile solutions equip telecom retail workers with a comprehensive suite of features to streamline operations and enhance customer engagement.

Can you upgrade our existing app?

Yes, our expertise includes modernizing existing mobile applications to meet current business needs and the latest technology standards. We focus on enhancing user experience, improving app performance, and integrating new features and functionalities.

Contact us

Please fill in the form to get in touch with us and share your details. Feel free to provide any additional information or specific questions you might have. Our team is committed to responding promptly and thoroughly.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!