Financial Planning and Analysis

Optimize financial performance and achieve long-term financial stability

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Are you ready to supercharge your financial planning and analysis? Find out how our dedicated team specializes in enhancing financial efficiency and achieve your company’s strategic goals by automating the processes of planning, analyzing and monitoring financial results and metrics with SAP products.

Financial planning is the development of budgets and plans, setting financial goals, identifying risks and opportunities, and defining measures to manage them.

Analytics helps to study financial results, find their causes, conduct scenario analysis and make better decisions.


Improves accuracy and completeness of management information

Improves quality of data analysis and forecasting

Ensures prompt availability of relevant information

Allows finding problem areas with low performance and eliminate the causes

Reduces time and labor costs for the implementation of business processes

Enables faster obtaining of consolidated information from various sources

Optimizes costs after process automation

Unifies information systems and reduces IT operating costs




Accelerates the budgeting process, enhances the precision of revenue and expense forecasts, minimizes the risk of budgeting errors, and offers a user-friendly, visually engaging budget presentation format.

Profitability Management

Profitability Management

Improves revenue and expenditure audit, increases resource efficiency, reduces errors and improves data accuracy. Provides an opportunity to quickly receive information about the financial standing of the company, conduct analytical research and simulate financial scenarios.

Financial Consolidation

Financial Consolidation

Reduces time for data processing and reporting, improves the quality of decisions made, and helps to adapt to shifts in business environment, improve communication and reduce costs.

Corporate Reporting

Corporate Reporting

Reduces the required time and resources, improves the quality of reporting, and helps to supervise business processes more effectively. Ensures more flexible and convenient data management, helps to integrate various systems and applications to create a unified platform for reporting management.

Risk Management

Risk Management

Helps to assess potential business threats and develop strategies to eliminate or reduce their impact, prevent financial losses and minimize risks to the health and safety of employees, increase loyalty of customers, partners and investors. Allows the company to be prepared for contingent situations and quickly respond to them.

Forecasting and Simulation

Forecasting and Simulation

Helps companies better analyze data and predict future events, make better decisions and streamline business processes. Reduces errors and allows spending less time on forecasting.

Executive dashboards

Executive dashboards

Allows executive to obtain prompt and accurate information about business situation, make informed decisions and respond faster to changes in the external environment.

Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing

Provides the ability to quickly access large amounts of data, structure, analyze and use them. Reduces data storage and processing costs, improves management reporting and forecasting.

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Banking and Finance

BI systems help banks operate in an environment of risk, competition and heavy regulation. With analytics, banks determine a development strategy, schedule their operations appropriately, set priorities, evaluate operational efficiency and allocate resources based on the objectives and strategy of the bank.

In addition, BI systems help the bank analyze its strengths and weaknesses, find opportunities to generate more revenue and reduce costs, and plan investments in various areas of activity. Take a look at our project on implementation of a budgeting system for a commercial bank.

Our BI systems help banks operate efficiently in the face of the following factors:

  • Dealing with Interest Rates: Banks can make allowance for changing interest rates for various types of transactions, for example, lending and deposit sourcing.
  • Loan Portfolio: Banks can plan income and expenditure for the loan portfolio, taking into account potential losses from loan defaults.
  • Risk Management: Banks can plan their operations taking into account various types of risks, for example, credit risk, transaction risk and reputational risk. BI systems help to properly plan reserves for possible losses associated with risks.
  • Statutory Regulation: Accounting for potential costs of compliance with laws and regulations. For example, our project to optimize the balance sheet and comply with IFRS requirements.
  • Competition: Accounting for marketing and advertising costs to attract new customers and retain existing ones.
  • Adoption Of Technology: Cost accounting for the development and deployment of new technologies, and for staff training.


High Tech

Hi-Tech company’s operations are associated with a high level of innovation, high costs for equipment and technology, research and development, rapid development, etc.

BI systems help companies address the following challenges:

  • High R&D Costs: The company can correctly calculate the costs of research and development and remain competitive in the market.
  • Short Product Development Cycles: The company gets the opportunity to quickly review budgets and respond to changes in technologies and markets.
  • Uncertain Markets and Unpredictable Semand: Business chooses the best approach to budgeting for it.
  • Need for Rapid Commercialization: Business accounts for marketing costs and can bring the product to market quickly.
  • Investment in Human Capital: HR department accounts for the costs of staff development, engaging new specialists, incentivization and retaining talented employees.
  • High Equipment and Technology Costs: The company can plan the cost of updating equipment and technologies.
  • Intellectual Property Accounting: Business accounts for the costs of defending patents and other intellectual rights.


BI systems help analyze revenue, customer churn rates, active/inactive/new subscribers, profit per subscriber, number of calls to the contact center, and other metrics.

BI systems address the following tasks:

  • Infrastructure Cost Management: Companies have to invest heavily in infrastructure such as communications networks and equipment. When budgeting, it is necessary to take into account the costs of purchasing, installing and maintaining equipment, as well as labor and other costs.
  • Planning Of Marketing Expenses: Accounting for marketing expenses: cost of advertising, promotions, development of products and services, research and development of new markets and technologies.
  • Operating Expenses Management: Accounting for labor costs, taxes, insurance, technical support and other costs.
  • Revenue Forecasting: Accounting for prices of products and services, sales volumes, demand forecasts and other factors that may affect revenues.
  • Financial Risk Management: Risk accounting (changes in exchange rates, interest rates, inflation, etc.) and taking measures to manage them: financial hedging tools and investment diversification.
  • Investment Forecasting: Forecasting the amount of investments and estimation of their payback periods.
  • Management of Taxes and Financial Statements: Accounting for tax consequences and taking measures to reduce tax liabilities, for example, through the use of tax incentives and exemptions.
  • Security Risk Management: Security cost accounting: protection of personal data, protection against cyber attacks and other threats.
  • Investor Relations Management: Cost accounting for investor relations: arrangement of investor conferences and reporting of financial performance.
  • Investment Project Management: Assessment of return on investments and risk management associated with investments.
  • Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: Accounting for the costs of compliance with the requirements of regulators and taking measures to meet them.
  • Technology Shift Prediction: Accounting for the costs of introducing new technologies and their impact on company revenues.
  • Capital Management: Accounting for capital expenditures, capital increase costs, expected returns and risks.
Chemical Industry

The chemical industry needs to consider a large number of factors in order to guarantee the company efficiency: costs, investments and risks.

BI systems help to address the following tasks:

  • Raw Material Cost Management: Minimizing costs and maximizing profits.
  • Electricity Cost Management: Cost accounting to improve production efficiency.
  • Labor Cost Management: Cost accounting to improve productivity and reduce costs.
  • Investment Cost Management: Cost accounting to ensure stable growth and development of production.
  • Risk Management: Accounting for risks associated with safety, environmental issues and changing market environment, as well as planning measures to mitigate them, in order to ensure the stability and sustainability of production.
  • Inventory Management: Inventory accounting (raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products) and planning of their use in order to reduce storage costs and increase production efficiency.
  • Price Management: Accounting for price changes (due to changes in supply and demand, market conditions and other factors) and planning the price of products to ensure maximum profit and sustainability of production.
  • Tax Payment Management: Accounting for property tax, income tax, etc. and developing a tax strategy to reduce tax costs and maximize profits.
  • Financial Risk Management: Accounting for financial risks (changes in exchange rates, interest rates and other factors) and developing measures to mitigate them in order to ensure the stability and reliability of financial activities.
  • Production Capacity Management: Accounting for investment in production facilities to ensure maximum production efficiency and maximum profit.
Industrial Production

BI systems allow managing finances in industrial production in a reliable manner. Solutions help businesses operate with due regard for:

  • Complexity of The Production Process: When planning finances, accounting for all stages of production, from the purchase of raw materials and materials to the production of finished products.
  • Significant Capital Investments: Accounting for investments in equipment, machines, technologies, buildings, etc. and their distribution over a long period of time.
  • Seasonal Production Variability: Taking into account the seasonality of the production cycle and planning financial costs for the whole year.
  • Need for Continuous Operational Excellence: Taking into account possible adjustments to production plans and quick response to changes in the market environment.
  • Need to Comply With Quality And Safety Standards: Cost accounting for compliance with quality and safety standards, including inspections and audits.
  • Need to Account for Energy Expenditures: Accounting for the costs of electricity, gas, fuel, water and their optimization to reduce costs.


Retail BI systems help companies analyze demand and sales, customer behavior and other metrics. Solutions help businesses operate with due regard for:
  • Seasonal Patterns: Accounting for fluctuations in seasonal demand, forecasting sales for each month or quarter.
  • Stock Management: Accounting for the cost of purchasing goods and monitoring stocks to avoid unnecessary costs.
  • Personnel Management: Accounting for salaries, bonuses and other payments related to personnel.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Accounting for advertising, sales events, discounts and other marketing activities to attract customers.
  • Rental and Maintenance of Premises: Accounting for rental and maintenance costs of premises, such as utilities, repairs and maintenance.
  • Information Technology: Cost accounting for IT infrastructure, software and staff training in order to more effectively manage the business and meet customer needs.
  • Competition: Identification of competitive advantages and weaknesses, as well as forecasting potential changes in the market environment.
  • Customer Base: Accounting for customer retention costs, loyalty programs and market research to attract new customers.
  • Data Analysis: Cost accounting for data analysis (sales, inventory, customer base) and planning investments in management systems to improve business efficiency.
  • Risk Management: Accounting for possible risks, for example, losses from theft, non-compliance with safety rules, failures in IT systems, and planning the costs of managing and mitigating them.


  • SAP Data Services
  • SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
  • SAP Data Warehouse Cloud


Deployment of Solutions

We use modern SAP Activate methodology — implementation and life cycle management of SAP solutions. A set of tools, methods, and processes allow you to carry out SAP implementation projects quickly, with full transparency for all project participants. It is also a great way to improve communication and mitigate risks, they also offer Warranty Support after launch.

Support for Solutions

We offer proactive support, quick response to problems, and prompt resolution of emerging issues. This active approach ensures that your system runs reliably and uninterrupted, which will help you focus on your business and its goals.

Update and Migration

We also offer services for updating an existing system to a new version or migrating a system to another platform. We will help you complete this process quickly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and risks for your business.

Business Transformation

We will help you complete business transformation processes while cutting down costs and improving efficiency. You can also expect an individual transformation plan that takes into account the specifics of your business, providing a full range of services for its implementation and support.

Rollout and Localization

We provide rollout and localization services that will allow you to effectively conduct your business in different countries using high quality products and taking into consideration the characteristics of local markets. We guarantee high-quality operations and timely launch of the product in new regions.

Integration of Solutions

We will develop an individual integration plan that takes into account the specifics of your enterprise, and provide a full range of services for its implementation and support.

Front End Engineering Design and Audit

We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s business processes and IT infrastructure and provide a detailed report on identified problems and recommendations for eliminating them.

Solutions with Custom Design

We will develop a fully integrated system that meets the unique requirements of your business and facilitates its effective management.

Methodological Support

We will create custom methodological solutions for customers’ business challenges, with due regard to their IT architecture. We will provide comprehensive methodological support for business solutions and fine-tune existing customer methodologies for automation.


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