Automation testing for banking software using JUNASE solution


The customer develops a banking global application that allows bank employees to track banking operations, transactions, payments, transfers; work on several batches of documents at the same time; complete different types of deals; manage customer accounts, access etc.

The customer had manual testing process only. That took too many resources, especially during regression testing.

The purpose

Build automation testing process from scratch. The main purposes of using automation testing are:

  • speed up delivery;
  • save cost;
  • manage scale (between all environments).


The project involved working on a web-based application and a mobile application.

For the web-based application, the challenge was:

  • design automation testing framework for web-based applications from scratch;
  • a big part of functionality should be covered by auto tests;
  • the same tests should be run on 4+ environments.

For the mobile application the team needed to do the following:

  • implement automation testing framework for mobile applications from scratch;
  • the same tests should be run on two OS.

During the project, the team also worked on the following tasks:

  • CI pipeline setup to execute test automatically;
  • configuration automatically generated reporting.

Project results

1000+ auto tests implemented and run automatically every night on 4 environments.

Test Team setup stable and easy-to-maintain test automation process.
Significantly reduced manual/regression testing time. Automatically generated report helps to find issues in minimal time.

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