Quality Assurance with Automated Testing Services

What we offer is a one-stop automated testing solution that lets you test several applications — web, desktop, Java apps, SAP apps, mobile and API — or in any combination.

While getting to know a prospective customer, we always carefully analyze their operations on a case-by-case basis. What does automated testing up and running in your dev lifecycle? What could be improved — and how could we contribute? And last but not least, do you really need automation after all?

Let’s discover your needs together

We Know How to Solve Your Problems with Our Automated Testing Framework

Imagine you don’t have automated testing in place when you need it, or that the QA services you employ are of poor quality.

Best-case scenario? If you’re quick (and lucky) enough, you’ll manage to catch all the bugs post-production before they’ve caused too much damage.

Worst-case scenario? You’ll lose your money and even worse, your reputation. The larger the project, the bigger the loss.

Our own, state-of-the-art framework JuNaSe is one of the ways to avoid those unfortunate outcomes and deploy test automation to suit your very needs.


Test Automation Framework Setup + Basic Test Cases / in person-hours

Including basic test cases implementation

  • Investigation of the system under test
  • Customization of common components
  • Customization of waiters
  • Customization of framework core (context, assertions, sessions, driver’s initialization, etc.)
  • Customization of basic utils
  • Development of basic navigation
  • Development of 2-3 basic test scenarious (i.e. Login, etc.)

Total Amount (Fixed) 160

Factors that may increase test automation effort

Application related:

  • Integration testing of several applications, with different drivers i.e. web/desktop
  • Transferring the data between applications
  • Application restrictions (i.e. dynamic locators or missing identifiers which forse to write custom xPath or CSS selectors)
  • Product change rate (need to update tests frequently)
  • Redeploys/shutdowns of the environment during the test cases development

Test execution related:

  • Time restrictions (i.e. only overnight testing)
  • Parallel test execution:
    • insufficient number of users
    • inability to run multiple sessions
    • avoid test data from interfering with each other during the run
  • Server load restriction
  • Unstable virtual machines used to run automation tests

Test data related:

  • Reading data from CSV/XSLS/PDF files
  • Test data obfuscation

Additional testing effort:

  • Performance testing (development/ execution/ support)
  • REST API calls (development/ execution/ support)
  • Incomplete/unexhaustive testing documentation
Test Case Complexity / in person-hours

High-level effort estimation based on the test case complexity. The effort estimation of outstanding test cases implemetation are out of scope of this calculator and can be counted by the automation testing specialists.

Basic test case implementation (<10 steps)6
Medium test case implementation (10-30 steps)18
Complex test case implementation (30-50 steps)30
Outstanding test case implementation > 50 steps 

Speed up releases


What you get?



It takes too long to get to market due to the significant time consumed by manual and inconsistent automated testing (one month or more for quarter releases).

Do you need to know if the code pushed to master does not break the core function? Integrate automated testing into the CI/CD process, and you will be aware of the identified defects.

Perform regression


What you get?



When you grow your application, adding new functionality, it becomes more complex. Thus, more and more regression errors appear. Often, it is impossible — and expensive — to cover all these with manual testing.

Get a transparent view of product quality status


What you get?



Do you have a giant app that holds dozens of super-important business processes and in addition, transfers data to third-party apps? Are you tired of prioritizing tasks for QAs who are not able to cover everything?

Get it automated and leave only the tasks requiring human supervision to QAs. Get informative reports right when you need them — and enable your stakeholders to do so as well.

Check the state of the system on different environments and devices


What you get?



Automated testing shows where the test fails, which makes bug fixing much faster.

Maximize test coverage


What you get?



Do you constantly have to sacrifice testing or are you short of manual QAs to cover everything? Do you want to test more in less time?

Once automated, the process can be run multiple times.

Let’s schedule a meeting

In just a click, we can discuss your challenges and how to overcome them.

Benefits of Automated QA Testing Services

You will gain access to a comprehensive, time- and cost-efficient, and predictable test automation service.

Show current quality of the product

Automated testing minimizes the chance of human mistakes by identifying issues a person can overlook. Moreover, constant quality issues can lead to a team’s burnout.

Save costs and carry on

Test automation drastically reduces manual effort thus leading to optimized QA and cutting extra costs — including the opportunity cost of not having automated testing done properly.

No time to lose

Automation is customized to your requirements and allows for the kick-off of the project at the flick of a switch. It saves testers’ time, letting them focus on extra functionality where manual testing is required.

Supreme test coverage

Unlike manual testing, automated testing provides far better coverage when large data volumes are involved and brings the number of unspotted shortcomings to zero.

See your productivity surge

Automation increases productivity by reducing human intervention and decreasing the time spent on running repetitive tasks.

Our Expertise in QA and Automated Software Testing

100+projects in the automated testing domain
50+engineers with vast experience in a number of test automation tools
15+years of experience in testing automation

Center of Excellence


IBA Group dedicated test automation team has been dealing with a wide range of industries and test automation tools for years.

We work closely with product, engineering, and infrastructure teams to deliver strong value for the customer.

Our team helps you select a proper test automation approach and build automation processes from scratch or improve those you already have.



All the team members have earned certificates from the International Software Testing Qualifications Board.

Let’s schedule a meeting

In just a click, we can discuss your challenges and how to overcome them.



“Thanks to IBA Group for the good and trustful collaboration in the last years”

IBA Group demonstrated their proficiency in automated testing through their successful implementation of the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) project for our organization. Their comprehensive approach to testing, coupled with their deep understanding of our requirements, allowed us to achieve significant milestones in our testing processes.

The IBA Group team developed bunch of end-to-end automation test scenarios that covered the most weighty aspects of user journey for one of our applications. Their attention to detail and thoroughness ensured that no potential issues were overlooked. They also optimized regression testing time. By executing parallel tests and dividing them into smaller batches, IBA Group achieved reductions in overall run time. This efficiency in test execution allowed us to save valuable time and resources, enabling us to focus on other critical areas of our business.

IBA Group has proven to be a valuable partner, providing us with an automation testing service and consistently delivering high-quality results. We would gladly recommend IBA Group to other organizations seeking reliable and efficient automation testing solutions.

Bastian Doelle, Director IT – Quality Assurance, Software Engineering, Project Management

Michael Timm, Quality Assurance Evangelist

The Roadmap of QA Automation Process

1/ QA strategy development

We start with the examination of the customer’s applications, collecting requirements and determination if and where the automation is necessary or attainable.

Based on the examination results, we propose a test automation strategy to match the customer’s goals and particulars of a product. The strategy is designed to provide effective and efficient test coverage for the software.

2/ Test automation planning and the development of requirements

Based on the collected requirements and developed strategy, we create a test plan.

If test automation already exists, we help detect its potential drawbacks. The QA team works with the development team to understand the requirements of the software and plan for how it will be tested.

3/ Starting the testing process: Tools selection, POC implementation

With the plan in place, we choose tools and implement Proof-of-Concept in order to make sure all the customer’s requirements are met. The POC is evaluated to determine if the tools are suitable for use in the full testing process.

4/ Automated testing implementation and execution

Once the testing tools have been selected and validated through the POC, we populate the framework with tests and run them.

5/ Maintenance of the automation testing

As the software evolves and changes over time, the automated tests need to be updated and maintained. We provide ongoing support to ensure that the testing process remains effective and efficient.


Share your contacts to get QA automation process roadmap

Why Work with Us

Let’s sum it up. If you pick us, you’ll be able to:

  1. Audit your current QA processes
  2. Embrace a solution based on a ready-made framework and a set of testing automation tools available on the market
  3. Test multiple-type applications simultaneously
  4. Forget about utilizing different tools for different platforms
  5. Get high maintainability of individual test cases as well as sets
  6. Obtain well-visualized, data-rich test reports that cover various environments — from sandbox to production — at your fingertips
  7. Get a thorough, time-specific, step-by-step implementation roadmap, followed by life-long support and consultancy

Contact us

Please fill in the form to get in touch with us and share your details. Feel free to provide any additional information or specific questions you might have. Our team is committed to responding promptly and thoroughly.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!